7. Activities ID=95c29504d0aa4b51b84659cafaf2b38d
(In this section enter all your activities)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
7.1. Teaching Activities ID=e1185e17fcbc4b5aae650296632735db
(In this section enter all your teaching activities)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
7.1.1. Courses Taught ID=9dc74140d0ff4b26a2d4a559bc9b5a2b
(In this section enter all the courses that you taught)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | cefdb78ecd9e43fb8554d21e7d454132 | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 8280ef884eec43938a1aa4f7173a501e | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 9db14283713a49ebb7bd5eb4b35ebcc0 | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 924326e435aa4b21b9f9126b75e07506 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 842163f3dbf547bbafba3e1230628fc6 | Type=String
Enter the department here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | b532bb9be90e4a93a879f23e79cfd652 | Type=String
Academic Session
Select the academic session in which this course was taught | bab7abad3efb404897984bee6ed33692 | Type=LOV Academic Session |
Course Code
Enter the course code
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 25 | d62dd205bef0463a8a23436c75f83f41 | Type=String
Course Title
Enter the course title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 95728285a48242a896b5727c98a7c0c5 | Type=String
Course Topic
Enter the course topic
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | cbc3b0766a004d17af19823c3929827d | Type=String
Course Level
Select the course level | 6db7aff8daf74420abcca56f8e6d6cc3 | Type=LOV Course Level |
Enter the course section
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 8b0cb490ebc947709a742fcedf619036 | Type=String
Number of Students
Enter the number of students who attended this course | c2b79aa4e9e0431db8f3c4e2c32db3b0 | Type=Integer
Number of Credits
Enter the number of credits for this course | 05b1c7c941194144b786690d89ba7c8c | Type=Integer
Start Date
Enter the course start date | 76f08a7bda38475bb15660d4fc57745f | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the course end date | c87587a998c04d3bbb23e853516d2f94 | Type=Date
Lecture Hours Per Week
Enter the number of lecture hours per week for this course | d8df0762aab441ccaee17177810bca8d | Type=Integer
Tutorial Hours Per Week
Enter the number of tutorial hours per week for this course | 54509104b76d453294153a2c84fcdf35 | Type=Integer
Lab Hours Per Week
Enter the number of lab hours per week for this course | 693bc4334346483b820ffa65283c5a20 | Type=Integer
Guest Lecture?
Were you a guest lecturer for this course? | b7900bd448a84eb797c0255eabf1013a | Type=LOV Yes-No |
- Co-instructors ID=f6272d3da4624a128409e5dde6e756e1
(List all the co-instructors for this course)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Family Name
Enter the family name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 1824706380e74ab59620fa429fa1f016 | Type=String
First Name
Enter the first name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 87a5df67540844a886352193fe341ea3 | Type=String
7.1.2. Course Development ID=add930ec6b0943a0a9bad2623bd1c9dd
(In this section enter all the courses that you developed)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 528987fd86b146efbdbeda24cdd83d07 | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | c8e7b7c8ee0042db9a2a3714f455d2d8 | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 5642e5e990bb4a5bbd8bd6daf9ce8d7a | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 721ed127567e41869a48a017e3f640a8 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 4f8b7d41ebdd423e9410dc347fd97a6b | Type=String
Enter the department here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | a07cf51841fb49f9a2a7c3b81328777c | Type=String
Course Title
Enter the course title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 46fe878634384ce9991f1aa96f23b727 | Type=String
Course Description
Provide a description of the course
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 6db08e87f7dd4aa0bd7ce5dea5ede7fd | Type=Bilingual
Date First Taught
Enter the date when this course was first taught | f6ea408c9b2e44629fb5d245569c1a33 | Type=Year Month
Course Level
Select the course level | 9157b0ff1814461ca0bcbc59c8bfdb2e | Type=LOV Course Level |
- Co-developers ID=8e96e9e5dc5c41f1b31cea25378035fe
(List all the people who assisted in developing this course)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Family Name
Enter the family name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 72fd94a2f424444888f72cba1584bd88 | Type=String
First Name
Enter the first name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 8190c276f12e49548a8b1a9718bf1cce | Type=String
7.1.3. Program Development ID=92af1a83f6464c1294d8ed9882ff4244
(In this section enter all the programs that you developed)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | df27c562e1594e6098fb18c0c012fed0 | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 911256ebf434408cb2ca143b57c590a5 | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | eb353c60ba3d4bbb825d547380730ee5 | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 8ce03ee170784f67a282caaa192faae5 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | b88ce49b6f8f4d8d98142cd1c3348581 | Type=String
Enter the department here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 83ad690661754030ac5ed1a856206c7e | Type=String
Program Title
Enter the program title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 18e5af93ed634bb0b79fa5d376ae28f6 | Type=String
Program Description
Enter a description of the program
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | c9188a12cc48478880cd4585d6f18e6a | Type=Bilingual
Course Level
Select the course level | 7d6ce39a37034dab9d04305b1b24098d | Type=LOV Course Level |
Date First Taught
Enter the date when this course was first taught | c07aef8e12394a3a8b8c1b83d65e2d12 | Type=Year Month
Unique / innovative characteristics
Enter some information about the uniqueness or innovative characteristics of this program
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | bcef95f31f314862939baaaf87b9eb1a | Type=Bilingual
- Co-developers ID=febea6f8f39d40b8b42246a4eb7d0600
(List all the people who assisted in developing this program)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Family Name
Enter the family name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | e900453503c9467aa7d61cc3037423e2 | Type=String
First Name
Enter the first name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | c8636e9707544edf9f7adfbd293f3692 | Type=String
7.2. Supervisory Activities ID=90cc172e54904b45948d17cba24d3f25
(In this section enter all your supervisory activities)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
7.2.1. Student Supervision ID=4b36fa1eef2549f6ab3a3df7c1c81e0b
(In this section enter all the student supervisions that you did)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Supervision Role
Select the supervision role | 78a3e68f1ab74f31b9284c2acdb70739 | Type=LOV Supervision Role |
Supervision Start Date
Enter the date when the supervision started | 19964df0a8524f2bb44d5eb53729f9cc | Type=Year Month
Supervision End Date
Enter the date when the supervision ended | bd3619f7970441dc83ada1d2fdbf0780 | Type=Year Month
Student Name
Enter the family and first name of the student
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 3c504aafda28418ea439d8f92c28aef0 | Type=String
Student Institution
Enter the institution of the student
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | e36ccf9a00a241dc942e608df32c8c84 | Type=String
Student Canadian Residency Status
Select the Canadian residency status of the student | bb322e0195b540779bf4bdb4f1a04210 | Type=LOV Canadian Residency Status |
Student Degree Type
Select the degree type | 5b8638e8646448dcb8edef2c21e01c87 | Type=LOV Degree Type |
Student Degree Status
Slecet the degree status | e5d331dca0fc4000992e43b695b2db21 | Type=LOV Degree Status |
Student Degree Start Date
Enter the date when the degree was started | 3cf3d0de12f44222b941fdbf57ad51a6 | Type=Year Month
Student Degree Received Date
Enter the date when the degree was received
List of constraints:
- Validate Dataset Field Optional. 'Student Degree Status' equal to: 'Completed' | 8284dbdd03aa4277b7fca7662bd1758c | Type=Year Month
Student Degree Expected Date
Enter the date when you expect to receive the degree
List of constraints:
- Validate Dataset Field Optional. 'Student Degree Status' equal to: 'All But Degree', 'In Progress' | ab1293e2fee8472481457d4f8493c7f1 | Type=Year Month
Thesis Title
Enter the title of the thesis
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 500 | 420e5bbd57104c3c9823b5e6850ee6f8 | Type=String
Project Description
Enter a description of the project
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 804797ed2fe54da88f326743e38e270e | Type=Bilingual
Present Position of Student
Enter the present position or occupation of the student
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 0f2f1601c24144308e0966d75b781db9 | Type=String
- Student Country of Citizenship ID=2f5d211c5adf4400809eff1e8ab60376
(Select the country where the student was born)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Sudent Country of Citizenship
Select the country where the student was born | 3be64ade337f4019b4752713c49224f1 | Type=LOV Country |
- Project Funding Sources ID=c9f2f4861f2447f797c0e5b57a614c0c
(List all the funding sources of this project)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this project | a75fd189a0874bafaef9e2ea0c996ffa | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 39807b0714ef4dfea31a980500e9ecef | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 89456b43e9324c3194738689ca1ef679 | Type=String
Amount (CAN$)
Enter the amount received, in Canadian dollar | 49e909fddf8549189424ad6ea27c053b | Type=Integer
Enter the amount received | 25cb22cf983547589a54a4dbbdd8ffb1 | Type=Integer
Enter the currency in which the money was awarded | 505466bb43024fcca0e98a5838c05ce0 | Type=LOV Currency |
- Student Recognitions ID=c6f47d5afaad4d26b868f430bd8a2c59
(Enter all the recognitions obtained by the student)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Recognition Type
Select the recognition type | ea93c32cf83d4d54b21a3aeef042eac1 | Type=LOV Recognition Type |
Recognition Name
Enter the recognition name of title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | f49ada682bba42c68cdabdd79013d86b | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the date when the recognition takes effect | 15d46c4a7f9f478ca76c38e45b357021 | Type=Year Month
End Date
Enter the date when the recognition is no longer valid | 966ed29b24144b36888af2c32776247d | Type=Year Month
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | c016782cc72a4cd29fefd89281c3ce96 | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 0fc03a5e5cdc442d83a55101d2fadcc2 | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 3da3ff2857a24826816ae2e18c51d38b | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | a8519584753946e9adc3b2839546794b | Type=String
Amount (CAN$)
Enter the amount received, in Canadian dollar | c137407224a840869d6aee96a9bab2a3 | Type=Integer
Enter the amount that was received | 5afe2b22e4bb492b9cb0ce5dfc775180 | Type=Integer
Enter the currency in which the money was awarded | d1e2bbc7e631495ab95609656261907f | Type=LOV Currency |
- Other Supervisors ID=068725a778b24709b88ee0dd43408bc5
(Enter all the other supervisiors of this student)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Select the supervision role | 2622404d4c81469691993d0914b093e8 | Type=LOV Supervision Role |
Family Name
Enter the family name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 409c3485ceb74ca9b78bd275ab1a1029 | Type=String
First Name
Enter the first name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 41d6f187b9da4559aca15d6e963233cb | Type=String
- Research Disciplines ID=e54e717989f74f9cb7e1400457aaf31d
(List all the research disciplines associated with this project)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Research Discipline
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | fc3fb034c2dd4102a34a0525a0242945 | Type=Reference Research Discipline |
- Areas of Research ID=ca17704bd0584d0aada6b8a556d1e2e6
(List all the areas of research associated with this project)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Areas of Research
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 4e8783a4520a4552953d572f2fc989cb | Type=Reference Area of Research |
- Fields of Application ID=f5292a692cbf47f886c3e03f501a48d7
(List all the fields of application associated with this project)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Field of Application
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 5ef7f69bffdd45be824808dea386a9d8 | Type=Reference Field of Application |
7.2.2. Staff Supervision ID=1a5da72fe6ac447baaf62e6fb4a923f7
(In this section enter all your staff supervision)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Number of Scientific and Technical Staff
Enter the number of scientific or technical staff that you supervised | d569b306fc8940d38f4b58a674e426c8 | Type=Integer
Number of Visiting Researchers
Enter the number of visiting researchers that you supervised | 6ef2235894db45a990ac66337f675602 | Type=Integer
Number of Highly Qualified Personnel in Research Training
Enter the number of highly qualified personnel in research training that you supervised | d612767481234385837b0d5f93beae1a | Type=Integer
Number of Personnel
Enter the number of other personnel that you supervised | ce01144da96442029cf88c0576d9d7a4 | Type=Integer
Number of Volunteers
Enter the number of volunteers that you supervised | 1bba63bf56624973aabc1489e8d91e1a | Type=Integer
7.3. Administrative Activities ID=9fa2e1cd0274429f9fde16616bf3939f
(In this section enter all your administration activities)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
7.3.1. Event Administration ID=7564fc922478441c97c9857809028895
(In this section enter all the event administration activities that you were involved with)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 31cdeb30328e410cb6b78fa48435be08 | Type=String
Event Type
Select the event type | 7878a016f370434a8364beca1a47ea20 | Type=LOV Event Type |
Event Name
Enter the event name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | f5389531adca4f54a4e9bee39532323c | Type=String
Activity Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 9def30776da74a1597de4fd0d9a0e74b | Type=Date
Activity End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | 0dc7af4aa5ff4bb880bb6a5db48a9b55 | Type=Date
Primary Event Organizer
Enter the name of the primary event organizer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 7cf2f82472bd4d7086f58b43c488b39e | Type=String
Event Start Date
Enter the date when the event started | cf11be8d0fa94624b80a11ad83a911e8 | Type=Date
Event End Date
Enter the date when the event ended | aabcc98da2b348ea9502c35177096674 | Type=Date
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 32a0b4e43c8147cdae1ad306b4cb3353 | Type=Bilingual
7.3.2. Editorial Activities ID=95433781426f45749b05ff6bc0062dd9
(In this section enter all your editorial activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | bca52391a28840879ef185c41ae728e3 | Type=String
Publication Type
Select the publication type | 024515508fd2498f99516cb71a109da1 | Type=LOV Publication Type |
Publication Name
Enter the publication name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 42711a8af574435f82b02c5f455d96fb | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | cbe5defb3e804adbb0e7cdc581b55fd0 | Type=Year Month
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | c4c319cffb764895bb4b98c360275978 | Type=Year Month
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | a95eb3c02b964746ab3c30ad0bd60a27 | Type=Bilingual
- Research Disciplines ID=af532f95587641988b51e579e2e76733
(List all the research disciplines associated with this editorial activity)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Research Discipline
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 3a999ea6734943268f8cede123c25533 | Type=Reference Research Discipline |
- Areas of Research ID=a80a685408214c718bc3bf44cdff26b3
(List all the areas of research associated with this editorial activity)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Area of Research
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | edde108b7b304eeab293a8c5bba4ecae | Type=Reference Area of Research |
- Fields of Application ID=d050fe4dbc6946d8b68a8672ee601c01
(List all the fields of application associated with this editorial activity)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Field of Application
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 2e151f2840414967a319350c77fda342 | Type=Reference Field of Application |
7.4. Advisory Activities ID=75930c16c4eb4448bc2da9d139fb59e2
(In this section enter all your advisory activities)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
7.4.1. Mentoring Activities ID=0b02926db8bc40aab5cece1b1b8e7ed3
(In this section enter all your mentoring activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 9b610045004a4757a6b73404e1c16637 | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 6468b75d4c01484cbae5ee4220dd40fa | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 93d3b68e2aa241dca3efdc94e04ed760 | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 4c6e9182e0c94001a6fc81e90345b02a | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 22fe471e03f744a495fd875b84009451 | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | d2390c1254c349afae826d0b4a163f12 | Type=Year Month
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | f43efad82a53463785f22d3e8acd8508 | Type=Year Month
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 465818befddc4301bb957c0cea9db6a1 | Type=Bilingual
Number of Mentorees
Enter the number of people that you mentored | afc84d18d4114b4ebaf214655d6c82f1 | Type=Integer
Enter the family and first name of the mentorees, separated with a comma (,)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 67c5f48c8b374e39be8cc00e653ce24a | Type=String
7.4.2. Expert Witness Activities ID=aea84bad64b1490784cc97dc15b6eb46
(In this section enter all your expert witness activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 87c9e28f661644d495bcde21d7d3a170 | Type=String
Enter the case name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 2b36868d90f244f9835f667f789aaaef | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 685fdfc330014134b6796f1ab498600c | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Enter the city where this activity took place
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 499f420c5e844981b8ecd819e6555fb7 | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 86e3fa91da9c4f5d97f7b65abb98c25b | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | 6b4cd020de034e469bf626a052203684 | Type=Date
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 892471979c0c405496e33f9802d4e92a | Type=Bilingual
7.5. Assessment and Review Activities ID=99613195a04f4e3a9fdd129cb2242550
(In this section enter all your assessment and review activities)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
7.5.1. Journal Review Activities ID=3f4e029fb3a141958126bcbc9d086acd
(In this section enter all your journal review activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | ddc01053231c442d89dc9d18199c8495 | Type=String
Review Type
Select the review type | 59990065210f4bc084270ef862602cc4 | Type=LOV Review Type |
Enter the journal name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | e206eee3330a41c6ada624c29265fde7 | Type=String
Enter the press name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 9b9aaa304dcf4bd78e20c211ba3b0bee | Type=String
Number of Works Reviewed / Refereed
Enter the number of works reviewed or refereed | 0c8f14842ab04c8daa4749b864f46a6c | Type=Integer
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 0d2099f8e48d458c95452f1051670d44 | Type=Year Month
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | 075e5d8f38624311a1f2bd0a0a7b69e3 | Type=Year Month
7.5.2. Conference Review Activities ID=7cc778c33e64469987c55e2078be60d3
(In this section enter the number of conferences reviewed)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 0f7c54b47ec8402cbf4cdd3f40a02088 | Type=String
Review Type
Select the review type | b5f58c56b4544a969ac6013d1d7de0fa | Type=LOV Review Type |
Enter the conference name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 9cdaafaa865246bc9637444cb90ae9a6 | Type=String
Conference Host
Enter the conference host
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | ccdbf373f45943ebbafb3686a0729b94 | Type=String
Number of Works Reviewed / Refereed
Enter the number of works reviewed or refereed | 7189023217b44dba9d4ac5c76ffe6c10 | Type=Integer
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | d4416b30f7334868b4e4723210fd9e95 | Type=Year Month
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | 2864d354e9f94ae5a7f629c63faf1313 | Type=Year Month
7.5.3. Graduate Examination Activities ID=634d8533ca7e45978c29c1d63bc870f4
(In this section enter all your graduate examination activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Graduate Examination Activity Role
Select the graduate examination activity | c284901ff35a422480b1a339fdbdc5a9 | Type=LOV Graduate Examination Role |
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | fda0e32cdb2240f496ce2730abb580ce | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 05db06111f314f9fa5f1661d8af25420 | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 78cfe9860e3145469c1322d3e39f31c3 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 3ad77c61a98b4df180a927c0678e43a4 | Type=String
Enter the department here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 3736ec7cb4b947c6911152a6f61ed8c6 | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 9cc674941885472998a13e8350ddfe01 | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | 8629d8d2925141569b3dec4e206a6b83 | Type=Date
Student Name
Enter the family and first name of the students, separated with a comma (,)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | a031bfe7382a401cbf3686120c5ba8e4 | Type=String
7.5.4. Research Funding Application Assessment Activities ID=af9a2a51e320436d97170bc90b5180e6
(In this section enter your research funding application assessment activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Reviewer Role
Select the funding reviewer role | bbb05266b3d64fb39c57c05632856418 | Type=LOV Funding Reviewer Role |
Assessment Type
Select the assessment type | f40cfa94bedc4f6a872f3976f9547207 | Type=LOV Funding Assessment Type |
Reviewer Type
Select the reviewer type | f29cc450d9d24d59aa263273af90aba3 | Type=LOV Funding Reviewer Type |
Committee Name
Enter the committee name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | dc14b30de4f243b5811d7467de88a6bf | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | c7749851b7fa4b83a00c86aa84e20826 | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 44c19ff17a3349e8a8429a9ec46a34bb | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | e8549a778bb440dfb2a26699150acb06 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | beb18622dffa468f94340432904a6c7b | Type=String
Funding Organization
Enter the funding organization
List of constraints:
- Validate Dataset Field Optional. 'Assessment Type' equal to: 'Funder'
- Validate Length Max 100 | ad9fec09dbfb4f8ebfe39587292bb100 | Type=String
Number of Applications Assessed
Enter the number of application assessed | dfaca41b6eda4b0e9f3af7090bc719d5 | Type=Integer
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | bc820a00b99d400c9468c1b4924a4f51 | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | cd2f1341e17342ef8b464e3f939ee977 | Type=Date
- Research Disciplines ID=b05071084ebc4e1691cd46351bf5aa44
(List all the research disciplines associated with this research funding application assessment)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Research Discipline
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 176068aebbd74a2eb92f9146cbe14cfa | Type=Reference Research Discipline |
- Areas of Research ID=d9776d4491524ec3b09031dd0c4dc2cf
(List all the areas of research associated with this research funding application assessment)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Area of Research
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | a488cdc65b044f9c9cbae09dcb61184a | Type=Reference Area of Research |
- Fields of Application ID=7e182876738a487aaf98e8f4f65dcf17
(List all the fields of application associated with this research funding application assessment)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Field of Application
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 200ccc455e774473969ccba34ed7c415 | Type=Reference Field of Application |
7.5.5. Promotion Tenure Assessment Activities ID=379d746b713646b5b7073d552bf25e39
(In this section enter your promotion tenure assessment activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | fe88cc360e8a4a8c8b42a425cef39f25 | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 240ee9a9744543bca9ec47db6343c7ff | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 9559d66817f34364af74a2870844eb5e | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | cf18ff6adef14ac4a8e98e3a400fd418 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 1d6c24101d3c4a0a9929bd5dc01e067f | Type=String
Enter the department here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 3dd187c9d3f34c06b7b2c13b8cacf4b1 | Type=String
Number of Assessments
Enter the number of assessments | 454ae31508e5476b9edbfeefdb093777 | Type=Integer
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 49919f1edf8e45e0bd5c1a37ddc603da | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | f30fece99a60402c8dd6b5b2b352be1a | Type=Date
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | a21da6e76c3c437aaa6653f924a1660d | Type=Bilingual
7.5.6. Organizational Review Activities ID=d936ced236a14d59a24fad5f41befd94
(In this section enter your organizational review activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | c030139006a74969a4d191711ba0557b | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 2bd6e279a13944f5b63938fc8169768c | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 731da824622d460ab1490435169f2a04 | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 5ac1165bc0ff45f0a59cc2ccb91795e3 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 025f3819c6af4ac19eb5a64eb64e1f3e | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 2786302e3cfc47ee8bd9248acb9754a6 | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | 70e06bb0787f468aa41d36991f663984 | Type=Date
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | fddf414852db46dbbb1a9f93674216c1 | Type=Bilingual
7.6. Participation Activities ID=42b12f4fc72e4ccab5f05a07383a4a3d
(In this section enter your participation activities)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
7.6.1. Event Participation ID=e4c83c62880c4db28c8dd91f572ff923
(In this section enter the event participation activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 8171fde7270f48108d3fcbdf674dacbe | Type=String
Event Type
Select the event type | 5375d6ecd533422c8506812193185afc | Type=LOV Event Type |
Event Name
Enter the event name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | f0ac796a53204436bc42bd1f090e3103 | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 990e0e4ac2fb4740b8a17a8271f76966 | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | c735a919b0484543aa5e4913ccb4fadd | Type=Date
Event Start Date
Enter the event start date | bb21062baabb4b6eb0991e21fd33c5d7 | Type=Date
Event End Date
Enter the event end date | 5c29f04e7a1c4f3e956d3bf6b79a798d | Type=Date
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | e34fa0d134d34ed3811c3600812fdb07 | Type=Bilingual
7.7. Community and Volunteer Activities ID=808d9a4d107f4c12aedfd6a09678d028
(In this section enter your community or volunteer activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | e2dfab5bb078432788090cc3e0732a19 | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | b054b3b7e24f4d8aa17e08f99ca0a30c | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 6e16a82b6ce643b18085391842a14483 | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 2bf9cbc4b9634e04ae4dde19a6f5b181 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 16162164a191420ca294208fde5583c2 | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 8e12e494d720475785ebc3b43cc25985 | Type=Year Month
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | d1160d9f2bd140928ba4e06a3af4397c | Type=Year Month
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 1017e6643ab54b03bbfb61f3f6ff1f59 | Type=Bilingual
7.8. Knowledge Translation Activities ID=f40c6da02dec468095a8c9270d50e1b1
(In this section enter your knowledge translation activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 048600ee91d442e780766a6f87259665 | Type=String
Knowledge Translation Activity Type
Select the knowledge translation activity type | 9473edf5c6144141b7108138e1b6da07 | Type=LOV Knowledge Translation Type |
Group / Organization Serviced
Enter the group or organization serviced
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 5d6f6f2fbd88436882ec3be8ad275b75 | Type=String
Target Stakeholder
Select the target stakeholder | 36e2a751042d436c81fc21aa801d3d2b | Type=LOV Stakeholder |
Outcome / Deliverable
Enter the outcome and deliverable
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 2b26a4da9f47402e885df5af64016142 | Type=Bilingual
Evidence of Uptake
Enter the evidence of uptake
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 41d53de101804a28a6d57a09b330cc74 | Type=Bilingual
References / Citations / Web Sites
Enter any references or citations
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 8aee82642f6b4a19af367e71e7c26e3e | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 2be0f915ae1e4b429f2f0e04c349a3bb | Type=Year Month
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | 692f423a32624edf92371825b1a7e59d | Type=Year Month
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 7b54fc4f54ee436fb0786c63defbdd79 | Type=Bilingual
7.9. International Collaboration Activities ID=ba0553fb52024e94adff3100f8ad6b0e
(In this section enter your international collaboration activities)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter your role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | fafb6f312c1b4f11b0e5261fd11c6c43 | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | d32f2d1cdd354271af560fb3472b0e17 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Start Date
Enter the date when this activity started | 6add476ea0ca4a1bbb65e5e6969f0e03 | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the date when this activity ended | 1fca9a154da1410fba879ed661dbf477 | Type=Date
Activity Description
Enter a description of the activity
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | ffaf2249da2b4e528ea044c40e4b1da2 | Type=Bilingual
9. Contributions ID=047ec63e32fe450e943cb678339e8102
(In this section enter all your contributions)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
9.1. Presentations ID=c7ce6f054e0941ea8b27127dbd4a26d0
(In this section enter all your presentations)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Presentation Title
Enter the presentation name or title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 3f6a7ac56ee64b7dbd84dba9d6e3302d | Type=String
Conference / Event Name
Enter the conference or event name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 8d882e55b0a54d0b8eec347f5502a19b | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | f4b5f1a1d181404ca9c0fea81f9a7e79 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Enter the city
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | de6f8e0d7a714b07a4671af86405c6c9 | Type=String
Main Audience
Select the main type of audience | 5f01d3af96d54a7ca3926b467dc946b7 | Type=LOV Audience Type |
Were you invited? | 720d2f02feaf4aacb06ce60be0c6f603 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Were you a keynote speaker? | 9b6d317fd53e4b6a9e2e1d9e2001f3f5 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Was the conference or event competitive? | 9caf21634d984fc597f069f6e4a0a351 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Presentation Date
Enter the presentation date | 725e4c54320b474680feaf530567fdd3 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | cc257bd89e6341a6bd53cc1cf05935c9 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this presentation
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 8f612e2d2b23458fa114d8a790c38e13 | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the co-presenters, separated with a comma (,)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | d1dde22650bf4c508cf997beee12ef50 | Type=String
9.1.1. Funding Sources ID=cc8c1c8aed3846fb974c7e78a36d1fe8
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | dea1d6ce48c5428ba9ed5514b686f8b6 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 1820364f91d448e68dd83e822c4b0265 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | ff2a03e05d9a4546b2e4fb65577ab5ff | Type=String
9.2. Interviews and Media Relations ID=ec6a032c4286497fbc2c7e5c64f02fbf
(In this section enter all your interviews and media relations)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
9.2.1. Broadcast Interviews ID=6ba8ed9d1b11499d82fc8b52ea7f2ed5
(In this section enter all your broadcast interviews)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter the topic
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | d0e9097280af4f048bc398909b477f8b | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the interviewer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 898358dcbee5490da57b47af27c5ae26 | Type=String
Enter the program name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 11eb1e9afc9d4b3c95790cda2ee8d871 | Type=String
Enter the network name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | e8df27af502a46b891a79136e4003337 | Type=String
First Broadcast Date
Enter the first broadcast date | 9baaf4ce38c64d1a93a17e9234b0b07a | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the last broadcast date | bc273dd80df9430cbb20db0d12c33886 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | dde1b903850846218394146592c11aa4 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this interview
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | fcb9542bff0e45e2a0fe5eacd56b86a3 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=594e28be92ae4391a2165ea302851327
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | aa30cf02f4454b778c20fde9584805fd | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 587fdc2bf2f544a59e2a66a8d3124dff | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 72461d9917b0473b9056a35c579e4edc | Type=String
9.2.2. Text Interviews ID=d8ed6dffd5c1463980ecd309ced3e024
(In this section enter all your text interviews)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter the topic
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | d816e4b744e24b0ca906072bd49c5391 | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the interviewer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 4af334bdcbe8400c8b97574d50df3b0f | Type=String
Enter the forum name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | da23968a8f5c49709dbcd7358fbd4ecc | Type=String
Publication Date
Enter the publication date | c5b7a33140f54342a2349e5d46d65f3e | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 44efe9b9105f4bb8a47ad51296383db1 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this interview
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 91f8566539884e6b971d6a5cc572861a | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=2a7ca28aa41a43b1b78a5a4f47e64213
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | c565df2b51a040739def50569be3c098 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | df79e00064ae47b7b4b612fd0f3d9125 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | e1607a9d8d7f4de0b22be015936d84d3 | Type=String
9.3. Publications ID=46e8f57e67db48b29d84dda77cf0ef51
(In this section enter all your publications)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
9.3.1. PubMed Articles ID=b6cb11b02f434c1291be3b518f70d41b
(In this section enter all the PubMed publications that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others.You can automatically retrieve a publication from PubMed by entering the PubMed Id and clicking on Retrieve. )
Fields Name | ID | Information |
PubMed ID
Enter the PubMed ID
List of constraints:
- Validate Pub Med Field 'Journal' will be filled based on the pubmed field 'Journal'; Field 'Volume' will be filled based on the pubmed field 'Volume'; Field 'Issue' will be filled based on the pubmed field 'Issue'; Field 'Title' will be filled based on the pubmed field 'Title'; Field 'Publication Date' will be filled based on the pubmed field 'Publication Date'; Field 'Authors' will be filled based on the pubmed field 'All other authors'; | dfc0227be1b1414c85323beb6e8355df | Type=PubMed
If you entered a valid PubMedId and clicked on Retrieve the Title should be automatically populated. You may still add or modify it manually.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 47ca1773225e4c04a75f15acf3e28967 | Type=String
If you entered a valid PubMedId and clicked on Retrieve the Journal should be automatically populated. You may still add or modify it manually.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 2407750e36ad421faaebfc5d69265fe8 | Type=String
If you entered a valid PubMedId and clicked on Retrieve the Volume should be automatically populated. You may still add or modify it manually.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 411fa5ed4a314d14b18dfdd6875638f3 | Type=String
If you entered a valid PubMedId and clicked on Retrieve the Issue should be automatically populated. You may still add or modify it manually.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 25 | c7f9628c930c425c944b6adb551667e0 | Type=String
Publication Date
If you entered a valid PubMedId and clicked on Retrieve the Publication Date should be automatically populated. You may still add or modify it manually. | a86da78bdabf49529a36018b27006876 | Type=String
If you entered a valid PubMedId and clicked on Retrieve the Authors should be automatically populated. You may still add or modify it manually.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | deda02ba57254485b0fd6e442d42e154 | Type=String
Open Access?
Select whether this publication is open access or not | 1d9203e2a1084eb993d2da1183803b37 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
URL To Free Article
Enter the URL to the open access publication
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | e9f06f64541a426e8d1ed56df6093d78 | Type=String
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 1c3bf84025a14c02922f8f8b2fc99d3b | Type=Bilingual
- Funding Sources ID=ffefc26de98c47a7bccdc953cfaee40d
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 50f3e09dbf7b43cda9109501f52a93b6 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | c511e604b9c84b6cbe99b4d6882dcf6a | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 817821173f5d4f809d039dca330339a9 | Type=String
9.3.2. Journal Articles ID=9a34d6b273914f18b2273e8de7c48fd6
(In this section enter all the journal articles that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Article Title
Enter the article title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | f3fd4878d47c4e83aef6959620ba4870 | Type=String
Enter the journal name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 5c04ea4dae464499807d0b40b4cad049 | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 0a826c656ff34e579dfcbfb373771260 | Type=String
Enter the issue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 10 | cc1d9e14945b4e8496641dbe22b3448a | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 00ba1799ece344dc8d0779a3f05a4df8 | Type=String
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | 3b56e4362d6a495aa5d22a1de5914741 | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | 6fafe258e19e49a7884428cb49d75424 | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 4ad593960aba4a21bf154fa8daf37f9f | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 4c3bc805ceaa42259f014514fc4905f8 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 1167905d079c4400ae7a4a76a203a445 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this journal article
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 478545acac5340c0a73b7e0d2a4bee06 | Type=String
Was the journal article refereed? | 2089ff1a86844b6c9a10fc63469f9a9d | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Open Access?
Is the journal article open access ? | 51b7eaff05444990af823b9d80924f5b | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Is the journal article a synthesis? | b779cc6478bd4b09b516c6d55e938583 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | 289c8814fff141d89b12569d49aa2cb3 | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | dc7922dfa04348a3a83c9afb5bbaa24a | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | bc3b428d99384b04bb749311bb804e1d | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 707a6e0ca58341a5a82fb923b2842530 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=c272e0ad38914d868e75b08feb60a142
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 38f608db18724ac9a0d810b052dfb073 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | c4bec520910e4cf5a2a3f86458ce70a6 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 7e340110fb93469c8ab46be687fe87b0 | Type=String
9.3.3. Journal Issues ID=21dbe19a90444140811ecb36fbbf8f6d
(In this section enter all the journal issues that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Issue Title
Enter the issue title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 1f71a7c67c85460d89a49c7f8c7b5b04 | Type=String
Enter the journal name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 5ffdf5c2254f44ad8d35456c9d8ffdcb | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | cd3141ae868d4eee887f95fe5ff1d79d | Type=String
Enter the issue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 10 | 28591faf8a2443f88b497520cbf60c67 | Type=String
Number of Pages
Enter the number of pages | aeadcf01d1884627b7f16087c0f35d0e | Type=Integer
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | 4349a3ed915540ebbe99781537b5ff17 | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | 36c7ca907f694187ab3d4403c9d37c28 | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | e16c9c5514aa4d54b2f91d76a981dcdf | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | c926d14869534d0cb7cfda8b3f0c54e6 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 38262ad8e08a450cbc5f9f63cf128f27 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this journal issue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 2a02e5773a094c8488a8610b85cb68bb | Type=String
Was the journal article refereed? | e09639f7d50043ac82673ce89cb54b78 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Open Access?
is the journal article open access? | 0d0841b9818b4d698d280a84bf2c2fd8 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | fb3352794dcf4c8285cddf3d716127f5 | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 3cfff82b12774d95974934ef4fe46345 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 913ea015111549cab668f27907d74a1a | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | b887e0ab8bdd4369bfa8dbc5274696ae | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=4dc44674ef33457cb22d88e81cae971f
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | e4c319e25b3a40fa888cf26ef90a3267 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | ada13c1535984b7d994b153f811e84a3 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 6d1d97c8ad6b4f41a3bc421bfd6a701e | Type=String
9.3.4. Books ID=4ef4df71a505469788b587f1a509eadf
(In this section enter all the books that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Book Title
Enter the book title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | ef406ccb1fcc45d1b096380119649200 | Type=String
Enter the edition
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | adb6baaa90c84529b4bc2736f56c605d | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | a097e5436cf04e4c8737f7871561c67c | Type=String
Number of Pages
Enter the number of pages | c1c428527abf441eade5de08575af4f8 | Type=Integer
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | 92114e550d1c40028e44dbebbc97d05e | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | b9156e483a5a42a3b49d5ee599c73aee | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 5dbf3f3754c74f96bbf056939513eb8c | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 6c72ec3263264af2a82f6ba5f562ddeb | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Publication City
City where the publication was published. | 6ad3792980d04a9abd7320cb2ac34af7 | Type=String
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 6480fa19889345619e778b394ad1445e | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this book
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 6cb3f8ab7d7a435bb0b12847756a635d | Type=String
Was the book refereed? | ecd4abd985ec4e9ab590f0ecb86811a7 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | 5ed734b4d7f94a55b8b7686f02b239e2 | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 5b70ce45176c407aa64fb6c2a69b4720 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | e555fb44aaf14740b880693b01603a35 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 9caab9a65f6a4fe6a9d3c9b9dd9568c9 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=58f84c0f18b141998c98e11d09df27d1
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 3efbae348c7e4c6381a2d6bcb3640237 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | b261e8351d324456af0dbf3cd27d1962 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | a38e720e6e01456e8e7a955bbeb893c7 | Type=String
9.3.5. Book Chapters ID=fd8f2ffe3f5c43db8b5c3f72d8ffd994
(In this section enter all the book chapter that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Chapter Title
Enter the chapter title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 52a699a6b0fe42a4851a7d5ae355360b | Type=String
Book Title
Enter the book title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | b864a9512e89482487f83ed22c454e9d | Type=String
Enter the edition
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 7bd402d81ca24cd090b392fcf618d8e2 | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | c250eee732d34fd9831f858c39785624 | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 45b9d02a4bb04ec782357741b53dc135 | Type=String
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | cf36bbd2e16c45cba9768a84ac2d6729 | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | c114eabcd4674f3c9467b2bf6820cbd6 | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 51a088349c1442238d5d0331d95f3205 | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 1581a489c30d46f1b5a8c2f2863eaf45 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Publication City
City where your publication was published. | 03138234db4149bfa300a595fc0efed3 | Type=String
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 959146d3ae8d4e4f9747bc0697adb5f5 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this book chapter
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 6f1c66fc402d4b0db3d9987e2c5d49e8 | Type=String
Was the book chapter refereed? | 51bd72e89f85442a9ae199e75fe5e765 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | 5d2f8073935a4e66b39fb99366889ded | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | aea26d37a8e449aea1da8da9c2b37fb2 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 5bc7b0b361f843d296e0e035b4b87176 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | dcb27492e1554fc9838992ba7c70f416 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=5e99e106bd2c4f399c6afb96478e5b62
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 1077877e254444059c205b493eacbdbe | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 13908adf3d7244658ffdfd57b7cb1f1f | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 40af88c7f1dd4c51b00a7a94215e424b | Type=String
9.3.6. Book Reviews ID=400f7d5f7bc14b2dac24bc0d5dcbeaae
(In this section enter all the book reviews that you have done)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Review Title
Enter the review name or title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 3214ba37ee804b6cb4137a08cbb6ea5f | Type=String
Published in
Enter the publication where the review was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 5f11ba80ed404696b501fbc43fba56a4 | Type=String
Enter the volume of the publication where the review was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | bbb8c897c038404c9e81611eee66f371 | Type=String
Enter the issue of the publication where the review was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 10 | ac8545aa13254e05b04610c934c2e2b4 | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 9a94ba6ddbff45ff8c6c67c80a0c5b32 | Type=String
Review Date
Enter the review date | 3af9bb3859ad4c8a83094a176627c678 | Type=Year Month
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | 67c9f5ee59a240cf8dcec1712914fc9c | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | a0962a1ab0234e15ab96b9d94f590ee2 | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | bf0591eee2db4bab8a937de660d40976 | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 86fa1d2718fa47b1a4cc81902f8ca33a | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Book Reviewed Title
Enter the title of the book that was reviewed
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 3340c13c1bc64e7dae2ef3374cf5af3d | Type=String
Book Reviewed Edition
Enter the edition of the book that was reviewed
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | e5bcc4cfd7a34ea195f03df19b2d6467 | Type=String
Book Reviewed Volume
Enter the volume of the book that was reviewed
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | c8788d51b35946789434e5c635d96900 | Type=String
Book Reviewed Publication Date
Enter the publication year of the book that was reviewed | cf752cb3c5874b3292953a212f2d748d | Type=Year Month
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 52508c116e1d46ea91e9715f35317e38 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this book review
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 55de4e145f4f4a10b7cc0eb797e9464b | Type=String
Was the review refereed? | 96f6d37a0c6041d1a6a8d09f4cb8537b | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Book Reviewed Authors
Enter the family and first name of the authors of the book reviewed, separated with a comma (,)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | fffe619bc6264073b21cb7f8581b77b2 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=d1bfd4f39ce74c5d8b3cfe8faa3719a1
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 5eff330ada614cc781b88277187e01c3 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 7d046b978f904253b9774ea33ccae3c7 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 2129a138684a4ee58e9347cf1be131f4 | Type=String
9.3.7. Translations ID=743bd4eedf1e46cc94303d5b904f4e23
(In this section enter all the translations that you have done)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Translation Title
Enter the name or title of the translation
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 465ccee011fd43b2a81123d6eccd0892 | Type=String
Published In
Enter the publication where the translation was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 9580f3f799604dfa8e0f69ce94a955c0 | Type=String
Enter the edition of the publication where the translation was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 9d0c1a2e694a47f6a95d65e9313a19f9 | Type=String
Enter the volume of the publication where the translation was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 62ca9df0368346688ede2c030b921f2b | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 82175c2c7cc74bcebfbf161021c9614a | Type=String
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | 62b294ce24b54ef6970ad3e0ae9a9fe7 | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | 2062d04d8c9a4fce8a9300f5d7dcfc48 | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 9dc694ef989748fdb2676c8681a024c7 | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 41e3b2c3e0d44b21a2982c66b30cfe1a | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Publication City
City where the publication was published. | c4d4627b9af44ae0968599427196e38a | Type=String
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 9b97f035f7434742a9427d1c784ccc5f | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this translation
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 94bd002bac7a467ca0fe72fbf1e3336a | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=e315b814f36644599ecf604c984b118a
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | fc07aa1a879343ea87a70953da4bbf55 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 1d4638409b9e405dba2df4831132d5c9 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 32088e5bf66d4aa7a694c012d1ad6a47 | Type=String
9.3.8. Dissertations ID=0f31c9249f054c06adbbf99058fed943
(In this section enter all the dissertations that you have done)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Dissertation Title
Enter the dissertation name or title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 50a081d7f12640d2b6c18a42eb6badf6 | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 068b0a4e981c4b87902d79a3ac930cc5 | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 7f6a75ceeb6b4f3fb77fe8b73c8c81f9 | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 105ff71c3d59424c85f94da526bbd341 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 40e0f1108da54bcb891a6597a03d6c4c | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the supervisor
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | aa63e11228a04494b226a3a9e7e7778f | Type=String
Completion Date
Enter the date when the dissertation was completed | e859d3e3458640cfae550f4435cbb9b2 | Type=Date
Degree Type
Select the degree type | 5d4bfaebcf63428090ab2c4b9411df95 | Type=LOV Degree Type |
Number of Pages
Enter the number of pages | 465ee6d18e0e41c78110257e7c6dd870 | Type=Integer
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 9cf045d544a54b31ba84fed0fd3f19f4 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this dissertation
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 980b4c7ed330401aa6525e5870b4aae0 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=ad48a9ab57464f56b4dbdab59fbcff08
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 02f2f774d066478e9497f4644bbbe525 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | ec65c60d287443db980af3b5c4a6ef52 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 843365eff1a44e7b827a135430fb8ccb | Type=String
9.3.9. Supervised Student Publications ID=88eee2e0553d47a5a0968a00084913cb
(In this section enter all your supervised student's publications)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter the family and first name of the student
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 8e8d679b7579408fb0932b8f1e42973c | Type=String
Publication Title
Enter the publication title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | d4a704abd690462589a1a259508cc1d8 | Type=String
Published In
Enter the publication in which it was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 04e44a26f4c84f56ac0fa55c42700adc | Type=String
Enter the edition of the publication
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | e91d5ce5f6614b0ca7251ea78c027703 | Type=String
Enter the volume of the publication
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | e4bb6268bbdd44e9a1ef8a64f7780b4b | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | cfa3f2841bad461399ab1508cf32d83b | Type=String
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | fa5c5a2edf324a05b3e572b240aa218a | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | cccc1d42bd3342c59b079031f0b868cb | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 14fe01a0009e42728738e27b778a7bfc | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 3538e4ed24a7406e9cdc999b1959c91a | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Student Contribution (%)
TBD | ebd65f8154a24ef88a9765c9c50185bd | Type=Integer
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | c93cca57add34f15abd9fd72eb862757 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this student's publication
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | e921d0d933bd48ed9192283bb16a83f6 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=564fc0d5138846bfad76b2120cf6bb29
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 46cb56569b114ce8bc9a7050a009cba1 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 2feed701d35b4c8d9e0795569715e46b | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | f993739681684926bf919d2dfe193e06 | Type=String
9.3.10. Litigations ID=46f8236482334cdba0ddc3f20b434f2b
(In this section enter all the litigations that you were involved with)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Case Name
Enter the case name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 21ae656f19e24031a90fce5312324b7c | Type=String
Person Acted For
Enter the family and first name of the person acted for
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 17f84d7de3db4a7c8e45e69999bfb63c | Type=String
Enter the court name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 46e242babda44e37b9b49bcb65a80213 | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 290b4af8170646178e08a01b502dd39e | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Start Date
Enter the start date of the case | 850af66193f04a3ba28a4eb353a2f6f1 | Type=Year Month
End Date
Enter the end date of the case | 44dcd6c5ecf5487faf4f1483afafc445 | Type=Year Month
Key Legal Issues
Describe the key legal issues involved
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 877ac06742ac42f98eb01299d3e475ee | Type=Bilingual
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 4dc7377a76ee470c809f88a4e5762746 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this litigation
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 368c3be33c824b9d8c8c91ab47186a3b | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=d181ec8c00974cf49ea5fefc7d21b0f0
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 99a44cb0a26146498f869a30206d6ad4 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | eda9e1410f964483a2545d44d98c3609 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | f80a664404c749bb898a1b219637eb69 | Type=String
9.3.11. Newspaper Articles ID=0cc2796367394f13990bef926491ff02
(In this section enter all the newspaper articles that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Article Title
Enter the article title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 1f4b3dcd5b01443c9875688146f6f93c | Type=String
Enter the newspaper name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 272ccbba069646ec9e36d553366f1cc5 | Type=String
Enter the edition
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 4b8afbb912b9495b9017ff789e280ee7 | Type=String
Enter the section
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 64f90b48017f4ad4b7dd6eb4141c378d | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 9eb1538f419e4da6b7ba83f18b07842a | Type=String
Publication Date
Enter the publication date | a2be1ffcf3e54e5ca88ccce6dc2432b8 | Type=Date
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 8bba31d8017648a5bcb5532844473af2 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Publication City
Select the city in which the newspaper was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | ad183fe3b3104d659fdfa652a7874238 | Type=String
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 85d5843830ff43a3b0448ed4c2d2a793 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this newspaper article
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | eb838e33f71b492cb84ba89fa2991a4a | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | c18524ca97fb4c2cb5daaa86bf80acda | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | b95cc6b5a9d74b63bc65fec3a2e517c8 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 9ebe1918cf744a10baa1235b34939b17 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | c69352e6426c431d9fb54bcef6c6706a | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=2a5d7bc8bc154cab8b6617e025233a25
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 387bf9f914274f79b59e2e9f6288035d | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 00bd09dc91e34a098011c5cf789d5b3e | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | b7f88d7f865549b6af8ff8cf34ce405e | Type=String
9.3.12. Newsletter Articles ID=1c2b67db9c254877a830528651865063
(In this section enter all the newsletter articles that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Article Title
Enter the article title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 6d3f6f16002a4222aae5a7865c8119ef | Type=String
Enter the newsletter name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 0df6a1179508434f97cd05d5fead5757 | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 509b515b91e346dba74cc2121d8cecb5 | Type=String
Enter the issue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 10 | 4f199152ca7f4607878d8f88ef43dd4e | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 10 | f8d1f4c50e35479da68ae061ce130fb7 | Type=String
Publication Date
Enter the publication date | a007f9d3c048480f9330eeb401ddebcc | Type=Date
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 56589e165d674494902c30ca6d97528a | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 87f21e0da59c4104ba46ba1a28ef3e2f | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this newsletter article
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 78077d2abc11475da89e86ba2780219e | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | 45b1242ad4394730bd894da8e98c0833 | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 9ab58603266b49fcbf6e6e15f58235dd | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 3c5f54f53cfc4d52b3d3abdb7d1f3b1d | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | b22e64f0fe894129b85993b86f4dca06 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=20e32ee7601a4dd58b2b410c4b48aa38
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 8be5a0f0975f4ea5ab40816cdcc37c14 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | a2842efe9c3f4c0b87eb5114d4a6832c | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 4337c03be2dc45249995f69436487086 | Type=String
9.3.13. Encyclopedia Entries ID=e12732fe40974b67b855d3f607527cdf
(In this section enter all the encyclopedia entries that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Entry Title
Enter the entry title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | a7467c2458bb44348efe17b7a3f6be20 | Type=String
Encyclopedia Name
Enter the encyclopedia name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 914cd9949f8b4b1aaa9c759a0fddc7e8 | Type=String
Enter the edition
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 1fa05ad08b5143f6827d93470d3a11be | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 97dea83f19574f9bace3a804adcd448b | Type=String
Number of Volumes
Enter the number of volumes | d035dc9eabf0467faa0cc143e31d66e8 | Type=Integer
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | e2d14a860f0543798920d5a5d65195db | Type=String
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | 58a6924b78f44bdebbc7189348e09f82 | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | 8f38187a288340b2918b698dbc7d6967 | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 3aa911d3c38b42f4b9c7a1883b05a07f | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | df1b525ff72846f2b6262100df74db98 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Publication City
City where your publication was published. | a8a9d47febaf44ec96169f2bfa91c484 | Type=String
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | e614f91721164b10a00e3a04d1fa8686 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this encyclopedia entry
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | f0c76d91dcf4403d95091c1c7bd6a7f0 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | c450e9a930bc45d489913cf62737efeb | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | d1d75bd382ed4e06a92c9bab3b75db28 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 8e0ff74446194ffd8abf1d2973813525 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | b31d7013c908444fbc88cd456c4360b2 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=c76dfe0567174da28eb3aeb2d142baac
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 0a8a3bdab2874cada90189697b15cab2 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | e825639eaf1045f892e649a08ec04dcb | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 2492e7836c474b1fba09de44ad208568 | Type=String
9.3.14. Magazine Entries ID=a9f3c0abae3340ed936fc29bb0d2b04a
(In this section enter all the magazine entries that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Article Title
Enter the article title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 2af09f337e40411190cfb577833fe747 | Type=String
Magazine Name
Enter the magazine name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 86860b08d0c74c079c73a31d91e15da1 | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | c54799b5e36a415da615b4b637eb3ec8 | Type=String
Enter the issue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 10 | 5e0185b2646f49e18de6c00592774940 | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 934cc966420041649511eb4232cdd36a | Type=String
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | e3e576dacc494c8e867c0e57f4ddf292 | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | 6b626ef9b271446e9338a21390f4d4fd | Type=Date
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | e85a3b334765402e900235548862df47 | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 07cae70a974f4c358f8de7b39fd0be11 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 124a4f172b4246dd92d434a6c0b2fda0 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this magazine entry
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 56b229f58f6749c3902dfcc33854ed36 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | f36a6ba18d564158b567c3d09065c384 | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 9a3a11d7f67248c8b5b8ecae2fb643a4 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation. Pour uniformiser la présentation des auteurs, veuillez suivre le modèle présenté ci-dessous : • Nom de famille, suivi d'une espace et de la première lettre du prénom, sans ponctuation. • Séparez les noms de plusieurs auteurs par une virgule. • Si les auteurs sont nombreux, terminez par et al. • N'indiquez pas de point final.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 06b9551cd0e8452a80d9c3cc2540ab3c | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 95af4d4d3631409d9f3cad15b4476df1 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=c113d4c669104fdc9c646fc605772070
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 9786e99d59474988a9b248c4648e6e32 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | b4457e33407b4bf6b4fd8a88d4cdd90f | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 203a3363df1f4fc196836ee5b831d96a | Type=String
9.3.15. Dictionary Entries ID=4462387204ef4c238848d336ea34125e
(In this section enter all the dictionary entries that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Entry Title
Enter the entry title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 38e50428667448cc9a4f67467f8aa188 | Type=String
Dictionary Name
Enter the dictionary name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 64084dae162747499632522c8dd14f9b | Type=String
Enter the edition
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 11c58a563c884f009cb464c309767cad | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 72094fb16d0c4d3385bff9bb65bde602 | Type=String
Number of Volumes
Enter the number of volumes | c450628c501f4cc3a4d492d54f57a8e8 | Type=Integer
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 1a23c516a013491aa1eedfd4110ac764 | Type=String
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | c17f38a6358b4c1d887958f9baa1946d | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | 6a06b6682d05454f9c3e1aa9ab253e7c | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | d7038255829140f7b9f42a2f8f0bed4b | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 4222d8fee9ac41ffa3331a2f1c2ac15d | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | a75c703dd5d84d3e8d30052febe76739 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this dictionary entry
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | d83049305c1f42859edf264110bbd7ac | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | 9122c6c3010c4a14b1efa343850025f3 | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | e9de91ee32264175898d732b2aba800f | Type=Integer
Publication City
City where the publication was published. | 49afaae8b3d540fd8b6b5108c2fb095d | Type=String
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 923459d027944940a6225a238bd94f40 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | c3261a5c86e54caea9767ea4c0dd59e3 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=dd60aaf25b634c75b9ec45ae7b547578
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 34630d2de8f0490b8486fd6818541a95 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 85b8b4d86e0a43cfa1db183e474b705b | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 9513898cee2a4224925bbf97eaa342bb | Type=String
9.3.16. Reports ID=7e57525337d5498a9506fdadee098b10
(In this section enter all the reports that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Report Title
Enter the report title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | dd692787647b495fbadb038b6937950d | Type=String
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 916975e25205410a81832725aef52824 | Type=Reference Organization |
Other Organization Type
Select the type of organization from the list
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | e36ad9761bc94ec48350d86b87489dc2 | Type=LOV Organization Type |
Other Organization Location
Country and Subdivision of the Other Organization
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | df758404e52c4d0c89cec075c7e148cc | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Other Organization
If you cannot find your organization from the list above, you may enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Organization' | 212fa7b750264e6496a9e4a4c4968810 | Type=String
Number of Pages
Enter the number of pages | c90158ebf7f648b1b2e4945fef6948c4 | Type=Integer
Date Submitted
Enter the date the report was submitted | a1f619a230b5452b9f0c8337b23f43af | Type=Date
Is it a synthesis report? | 2c74544e67264402825fa6e52154b8c0 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 694c4c7bf6ad47309ab6f77f4fee1869 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this report
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | d570e2086e0e4e7d911cbb631a631af5 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | 3117e1b94d5b405d818abecf74dce59e | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 67a5ad87e91e4f92bca8d1a988d8cbe2 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 0cf4ffe90f0b496483a8937b96a0224c | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | e3264fc9e17442e492bc8d5dca60e165 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=4a5b06d547d044e498593fc85bec923c
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | b36ccbd6a6794b5185b143b11e9c7e71 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | e95fd51b30fd43d9969e450b21c0af17 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 0a2a807b877d47f9ab5ac71cd8e5c6a2 | Type=String
9.3.17. Working Papers ID=08d19f397e554a6b95f9b5de2501a5d5
(In this section enter all the working papers that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Paper Title
Enter the working paper title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 4cce59b4934e4b6aaddcd0d108fbd55d | Type=String
Date Completed
Enter the date the paper was completed | 2a78265c6f57433dbef860648c56aa5b | Type=Date
Number of Pages
Enter the number of pages | 5d154dc84d8f4d6aa93b1214e5d6f6df | Type=Integer
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 533166cc5490445e80cc72340f031f2f | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this working paper
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 7f999270858b4d6ba83e3edf0fc9f6cd | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | 20df49d248574ab694c887ac2ec9bc4f | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 6d7c1edeef074cc2a458bbf67fccd0ca | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 0b0dff2f2df64f08b354e259b735e722 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 5e68434787144782bd7376bcd8557ab6 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=257dbf0ddf3b42158b567a05c0eb9295
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 9745545896b343f1b35d98a32fac3d6b | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 3baa8049da6d4eb5b1d51bcc4cb25314 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | ccb7dfe5785444479c36cb3666254865 | Type=String
9.3.18. Manuals ID=4898af054c9a4eff8694d15173bf3c4b
(In this section enter all the manuals that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Manual Title
Enter the manual title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 1790f670e1144703a04ffa6268c454c7 | Type=String
Published In
Enter the publication in which the manual was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 1d4dbe6f07304c6bae52dc86fca5658d | Type=String
Enter the edition
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 50 | 01cc51025d634ed5a72090ae92f51632 | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 02b98ee969d34f129c164881b006259c | Type=String
Number of Volumes
Enter the number of volumes | d941fdf24f6f42cbb5cb03c09a7de808 | Type=Integer
Number of Pages
Enter the number of pages | 07ae2efa7e4d4c3dbe7b908274fb4eb9 | Type=Integer
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | 24f82f269eef4156aed0a1f92358c898 | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | 68abef7baf294189a44bab18b9fa8b71 | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 0bea4007dba7404ea572b009850b7db0 | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 9229cc02c523488b88f4a2c745700b3d | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Publication City
City where the publication was published. | 5f5cdbfdd9d7498093509fe735f3236b | Type=String
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 4d0d46d2136b499f8a9d24ac05ae9ed3 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this manual
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 8ee878c89ccc43089ee35784a143dddd | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | d8ad700e044845d896d06ab9b3c1e06d | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 283254b5bdd7480cbfdd26347d728769 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 0593e6041a7646c2b6cd2949878fdac5 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | aa46eab895c44969a1768be991b88bc6 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=9b04620046b3478db5132d650588fad3
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | eade1ff294bc4da99200002047df98b8 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 86bd7d2f77014b3eb641f62649f5b2fc | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 697dfcc21edd413f8383af5a8c1128df | Type=String
9.3.19. Online Resources ID=02f9e51c3afc4b7d917f413993ba77dc
(In this section enter all the online resources that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter the online resource title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 7f8aa7ccee8d4abda582fc3b280f96a5 | Type=String
Enter the URL for this online resource
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 8ea63504f17f4f61b6651d98b1ad60fd | Type=String
Date posted online
Enter the date that it was posted online | bebe2aea93ea4fb397d27b4be14bdd0a | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | b15a3a70b3c84871ae285340bb904d90 | Type=Bilingual
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | 30a3964e6cdc4f88bad243faf5568a07 | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 0c8eedffb3ac493b8a37b09b933d27b9 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | a43ebbd6f87e45d0907dc209ef1bef11 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 3c3bb4a40f554c39ab508fd74da014ca | Type=String
- Funding Resources ID=a02d85bbff6545d1bd2dfecb809f4891
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | f7d32efa6304448cad89e99bc56bb34f | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | dde6139cdf7d4ac995c9a3a2876e8f4b | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | a78f2a7701f141e998cb59b7aacc50a7 | Type=String
9.3.20. Tests ID=5ce2e2d0980640adb85fbfa9b82a645a
(In this section enter all the tests that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter the test title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 5023496e21d04c15a0fd0720b213a781 | Type=String
Date First Used
Enter the date the test was first used | c7018ab2020346c8989206cf1420b290 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | f47847cc36ec454e80e0d675088214a1 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on the test
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 7bec54874e874f27ac135c2aec374ef8 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | 2a2c0c1e7b994e309a4d39e09f74de81 | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | f88981d91f7246bf97c4d794fb9c9efc | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 3de5aee415174f28a05231d93659c960 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=6a7b2ce72fcb4144a0398045bcea1237
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 32e58bb95d40479fa46defa87a68279b | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 82089537d89c434e80f49c9992097f80 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | ec5833eb1445462ab373115b52f9f424 | Type=String
9.3.21. Clinical Care Guidelines ID=0f46eb1d335e4a4eab905f608e8a8890
(In this section enter all the clinical care guidelines that you have contributed to)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter the clinical care guideline title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 26961539ca5e4623a0e0329d81f05a17 | Type=String
Date First Released
Enter the date the guideline was first released | 425e8e21125f42fa98b2d4f7dcbb3c31 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | d389e6279ea144828a7e936917d3634f | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this clinical care guideline
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 98386d01da7f498294db2046bea75b0a | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 51d7fa7b7d424523b9f351874dee2841 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | e0710aa14ee84963ab79c3b471bdd01e | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 6a4fda3dcb8d497e9e88387f72de3117 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=2617cf631f2e4f3c884bc781ff21ad42
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 83a5ecaaa1cb4a519872ae2d93ad119c | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 7ecf19a9b0c24f7582183b2fbd4248fd | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | a86224d8b33d4d9aabd8f7cad8c6e5cf | Type=String
9.3.22. Conference Publications ID=4b9f909503cd4c8aa8d826c87d6d874d
(In this section enter all the conference publications that you have written or edited on your own or in partnership with others)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Conference Publication Type
Select the conference publication type | 81ef87c09ded47ae8880b8d79e83406f | Type=LOV Conference Publication Type |
Publication Title
Enter the publication title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 8e6ee535c95e42ec866b777c7472bafb | Type=String
Conference Name
Enter the conference name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | b3c8a60c053a405597b92899d95765a3 | Type=String
Conference Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 5813833859a64bb58ee55e4f55aff29b | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Enter the city where the conference was held
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | c2efd9725588489b8df73467c5597c32 | Type=String
Conference Date
Enter the conference date | 99b57db653a841ccbd5f8e52079745c0 | Type=Date
Published In
Enter the publication in which the conference was published
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 1a1b39e861054ee59d270e66271a4ead | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 684ccb1fcdd7421f89b304ff5c40579d | Type=String
Publishing Status
Select the publishing status | 080301b1f1c0464bba7fcfa1fa8fe182 | Type=LOV Publishing Status |
Enter the publication date | 0318d139f3e0479083188ff8319a97b2 | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 0c357193a93f4137a87394401ac81958 | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 2fc69f4076f149bda1f0bb3e0ef9d79f | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | a6e901e5f0cf48a3a7d674bf1e6fcd7f | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this conference publication
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 61690b466fb748d99ed29b340c0ee60b | Type=String
Was the publication refereed? | 560a2ce08e14497ba575af760eb12ba9 | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Were you invited to this conference? | 06295e65f66b4c6aa286d08bd9fac59b | Type=LOV Yes-No |
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | b101f8f057db434ba4fdee3a86c387cc | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 1a66ad40654a45c9a0119b19d7cf20a6 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 3cc54d9bb92d421da46548979048396f | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 018e656a0f824b1f91a6a2cb33ac61dd | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=5bb69b0239f84606ad9d6081af068609
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | a008a7ef146f4cba92e166633326ca7b | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | aceb27b506b44666b56c9a2a889ae7f7 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 32dff3243a2544e1afd1dc871bce0e45 | Type=String
9.4. Artistic Performances ID=f89bc79337e442108d8c75f0703e9794
(In this section enter all your artistic performances.)
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
9.4.1. Artistic Exhibitions ID=9aa637f906b34e1dad9deb283e84f25d
(In this section enter all your artistic exhibitions)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Title of Work
Enter the title of your work
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 99d36d94ad244675abe43c48e10eea1a | Type=String
Enter the venue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 2b316d7acac64b5092553223ce76566c | Type=String
Date of First Performance
Enter the date of the first performance | b2ec3715c1ae44c2ae763cf204b70ebc | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 295ba183246b45aea9d8266451489a85 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this artistic exhibition
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | c899d8bbcefb4441a4038e2fa4a94043 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 60c9ad5a7583438091033514e8bc7082 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 981e5798197d414ebc09835f4c1666c3 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | dba1e207ae784cb8a461651a0c35d99c | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=2025aac856d94d6189dcab466cf86bf1
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 62bdb85713914852b908037f3db791aa | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 6e44e931ec3944c4bc4b8054ede4f101 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 54480039c1ad4880ac11039ed27c939b | Type=String
9.4.2. Audio Recordings ID=856031073d964622b47400442483f068
(In this section enter all your audio recordings)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Piece Title
Enter the piece title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 4e9effbcc0c24d35b563b6fd0ea14942 | Type=String
Album Title
Enter the album title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | fbd42ecbbe1d4b5c91f6ba92c797a3bc | Type=String
Enter the producer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 65e479dafa3d44b19805837a8a254b0a | Type=String
Enter the distributor
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | cdaae546293548f788cb58980ed97e61 | Type=String
Release Date
Enter the date that the audio recording was released | 12edc811c1594616a75dadeb1717676b | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | b54aa323dc9d4fe4b84a2eb77c089f81 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this audio recording
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | b226ee65d3ed4da6b8098d36de44b900 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | c72389c8ab8b4aa49fdcd7d5c45b12ec | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 5e8bcb62fdcc441fa7325a185b6e17ad | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | aaca5e2f2dc44aeb959e4e3b92e9f8ca | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=be116ba3d3e14bd7aa4e265a49ac6b6a
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 16ca2e7c90ee41d89b18f32e55627d1a | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | e42c6ce759364ac3863bc0d231c59a0c | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 2b346bdc08e1448d87f1b4a6293cce45 | Type=String
9.4.3. Exhibition Catalogues ID=902d3bafb1ac4c5cb94c12355748b884
(In this section enter all your exhibition catalogues)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Catalogue Title
Enter the catalogue title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 4721d59f50824746b419f4eeb46b25ad | Type=String
Gallery / Publisher
Enter the gallery or publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | aabd5009ed1b4ea38968f7ec8e2a63ec | Type=String
Publication Date
Enter the publication year | fd551c78a958450fbdf7970d6ebdfbe8 | Type=Year Month
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | a4c3be97b71b41bbbfe4d5ed2e4849ce | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Publication City
City where the publication was published. | c171b5ac235e42ae9386a4ef76bbdd75 | Type=String
Number of Pages
Enter the number of pages | 047d60c2eabc40c9acfcb4f2306e887a | Type=Integer
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 57c8725a132e4d1ab96ee5023a12e6c9 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this exhibition catalogue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | fe36670af7b74769b06338d820d7fda1 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 6045d0a0a60f4cf1926544242ae65f84 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | d35455348efa4106a9fd0a72a6fb00c2 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 387bd0da052147848a77811c29a857e4 | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the artists, separated with a comma (,)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 628692de11944b5597bf3dc48109677e | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=c09704fb4fdd4ea28965606930f85f57
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | f19788be53de44c1bc026b1f869e8b2b | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 21fb55359cbf40848cf240e21695b72e | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 769ea9980d5a412bb0fa85867b677bb5 | Type=String
9.4.4. Musical Compositions ID=97cf985b853843ff94cb5a199d3a4643
(In this section enter all your musical compositions)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Composition Title
Enter the composition title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 6825a6110d5648c0bd969c94534c9f9d | Type=String
Instrumentation Tags
Enter the instrumentation tags
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 918b67dedc664a259a9d41002a4626d7 | Type=String
Number of Pages
Enter the number of pages | b0dc379e9d8d43369ceb05b02fee8a6a | Type=Integer
Enter the duration of the piece | c5c881250f98416790fca96fbf09504f | Type=Elapsed-Time
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | dd603f5257334d12ba9db1847db281e4 | Type=String
Publication Date
Enter the publication year | 20c8b33148fa4171b567867fae472696 | Type=Year Month
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 14995a920e07486683293733854909ab | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 2de6530be6f9465bafceacab477033ce | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this musical composition
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 1dcbeed969fa4471a11ad19d41c84cfa | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 16889f8f28d14f33a866ec95f9d044f8 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | cac777f56c3b4bc9bf71ec54c1a90490 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | f00493a893e94e59b980ff55ee09eed8 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=20a1026b10f640479c4442e4b773ffc6
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 49065ec60dd84a60a6cf3e283e2278c6 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 75be0196a2f34cf7b7294213a5da2618 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 6258e82440b24f7ab9975bb3a85aac89 | Type=String
9.4.5. Musical Performances ID=fbe436b386f249cdafe8daf2505ffa11
(In this section enter all your musical performances)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Title of work
Enter the title of the work
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 82294fc6a87645aca6025c39a7f3ba5e | Type=String
Enter the venue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 4bf0d5dbdb1a4573a646876bc2992dda | Type=String
Date of First Performance
Enter the date of the first performance | 098506c1729b4a5bbe2f8aa6e92ae581 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 53ee6cbc03de4eb3ba62f1bd0d5a18f0 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this musical performance
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 5150ea435a374eac9125a3c119389638 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | c579afa967364bdb89e68a51b92bdb16 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 1602018dd04649a68bc18d8a071adaa8 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | cbca9e2e72aa4129adc2f14b5f8a01df | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=4b06259604e6457cbb6f92228685b97d
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | debeee71c37544c28d83fac879528693 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 81495f38a80445108fd9afeef00fac61 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 73f45aba988247abbcdb0702c9674d89 | Type=String
9.4.6. Radio and TV Programs ID=1e336853ecb44b7a81b08c8cab2657b2
(In this section enter all the radio and tv programs in which you were involved)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Program Title
Enter the program title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 329e14e1c1e34276b0328a265e3cf0b4 | Type=String
Episode Title
Enter the episode title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | bf5b5d0da20548859f1ee2e0433aa5ee | Type=String
Number of Episodes
Enter the number of episodes | 8c9fe0e3a6a24bd99dc611f059b996c2 | Type=Integer
Series Title
Enter the series title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 83c154bc6d5b496992c221335b208670 | Type=String
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | f1534fcff7d8457d8c7eb998aeee1967 | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | eaf35ffbee524d04992118d850aae4ad | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 21ca3432b55249ddad33a6b1cc8ea623 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this radio or tv program
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 706baef6fca04f95a122882dbaa89a8f | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | fce2acbaf5a04cf88aedb9972007b8bc | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | be0f34c9805944799ca184f4a6d463bb | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 318db83da998409fad6892767917c55c | Type=String
- Broadcasts ID=387176a43df5465aa2ba26e2f4e1f5aa
(Enter the broadcast details)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter the date | bb486359752b40698b6d78ea78e5380b | Type=Year Month
Network Name
Enter the network name
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | ce1ea1f950974c37a125b9d14959f38a | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=0210111bba3e4a708b93d40362007de2
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 9714b21aa79e43ba9d941b23a1c394ea | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 908c164ee64044f8af0a4dfffc6a871d | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 1d561e3b2305487ba27846e0875670bc | Type=String
9.4.7. Scripts ID=42ebfdf3aa9a41c0841d1ef82573a151
(In this section enter all the scripts that you worked on)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Script Title
Enter the script title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | b3294e4e0adc4e85883c8e440c81a209 | Type=String
Publication Date
Enter the publication year | 7b840cc92e9a4877adbbf91cf4b2b0cf | Type=Year Month
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | ccf8f687eae64f76934f48c30851eedf | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this script
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 8c7096c0de2e4c97990eefb63c6f2716 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role | bec6872a1c1443a5b1ed4878eab5a99b | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 80dd504b625e4e1ca685663c7876d7b5 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 99fb854ce92c4ed8a33877e361ad6257 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | e6cd0060f3184c44b3711bf01fa12fa8 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=00a25700d97d439bbd9cf96768594737
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 0d4637c6907b4480ab77f77fa8822121 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 20ef2fcaedde4ee5b17b7b49433dc379 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | d204f78fb2aa4da69cb8badeb13e59c3 | Type=String
9.4.8. Short Fiction ID=26914370ef2f4361939667a735ae6147
(Enter all the short fiction stories that you worked on)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Short Fiction Title
Enter the title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 06970f17db84434e9f90b368cb1cfa48 | Type=String
Appeared In
Enter the publication in which this story appeared
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | bcc98c392ac34146ae10c0dbacd68e66 | Type=String
Enter the volume
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 2ab1422693eb45bea77efdcc9c57e53a | Type=String
Enter the issue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 10 | ab82bf4c4b2541198b8c54c05178b8f5 | Type=String
Page Range
Enter the page range with a dash ("-") as separator (e.g. 234-256)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | afe2a5995e3542a18ca4962eae423501 | Type=String
Publication Date
Enter the publication date | 199ed266f2f445e793311e1139cae928 | Type=Year Month
Enter the publisher
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 21673ce6292e4b89a400b3da2ff13b9c | Type=String
Publication Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 0586c8aafac84c7d93c757c637b8aa25 | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | e11ae4ce710f4372b2d250a7c80c3be0 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this short fiction
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 3be74369daa544649813f9bf759cff83 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Select your contribution role | cc0f0d80d4b74768852d881664e22476 | Type=LOV Publication Role |
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | b1fdf9ce19fe4616b010463030bc52e1 | Type=Integer
Use the following standard presentation model for authors: • Family name followed by a space and by the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several authors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several authors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 840548b744f347dc8b38a22bf5204d88 | Type=String
The term "editor(s)" refers to the individuals who have developed and produced a collective work. Their roles may include the preparation of manuscripts for printing, editing of a text, or the addition of an introduction, notes and reviews Use the following standard presentation model for editors: • Family name followed by a space and the initial of the first name, without any punctuation. • In the case of several editors, use commas to separate their names. • In the case of several editors, end with et al. • Do not enter any final punctuation.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 2f5fbdc4a58248448790c91f373c6220 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=c7139fa43e5849b292e7cc67f70bb0a4
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 50cd4fcac64241d4aff3c4120d2306cf | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 8675540677034786959c32e62b3795ac | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 0a37207d0aca4822bc3f6a5e847e8ff3 | Type=String
9.4.9. Theatre Performances and Productions ID=e51c6d5ce24643da8bc16207581858e6
(In this section enter all your theatre perfomances and productions)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Title of Work
Enter the title of the work
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 02acb4572c7a48659c72183488be4048 | Type=String
Enter the producer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | d070f6e6c6e04b55a00cd685b7ce9410 | Type=String
Enter the venue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | a57d764e5b0d47fbadf3aa60ac3b70ef | Type=String
First Performance Date
Enter the first performance date | f41ee73a2e0c41729f559223efc08db6 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 30d27a09ddfb4e60a9b7c61b4bec7b13 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this theatre performance or production
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 754afe5fc9764b1bb786e5dbbb8a43da | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | a691c8d3ff5e44a6b8f5d7c55dafe8f3 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 10966289690b41998b6b38c290e97985 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 0125a0d1636f447a8bceb81ba2408867 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=3ac95e5ea1f249b9857d0e9cf4b634f7
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 0715610500864bf2993ac3c6a1c21e48 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 395b213db1f04e638815a38857f35a78 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | d96d638cf30d4075a310304b2a473255 | Type=String
9.4.10. Video Recordings ID=0ff822aff3944b62afa4929b692cb37f
(In this section enter all your video recordings)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Enter the title of the video recording
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 0262ec5cb9c0401caf2ad1f550291533 | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the director
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | dd7f17dcb093497b8c12efc112c89579 | Type=String
Enter the producer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 7e3349a2b876470a940bb39a51df3cae | Type=String
Enter the distributor
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 7a0d35fc23b5451d95997231d82945d8 | Type=String
Release Date
Enter the date the video recording was released | c48d7487718e48d183be1bb2d2e34745 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 19ddf62022d945a7927b81765f0d55ed | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this video recording
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | c5b0e1d7126048eb9a01546f1a043d3f | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 27f58c56c796450eabf6d7f89085c930 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | a9275f1fc2a54df393c95624d77951c3 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 096fa1df887a44b486ecc5c3ef73a5b7 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=6712f5a9cf4b473f975b6e37416ef9f3
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | d71a32b6545a4ce29a449cc86558f06c | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 0822ffe095014baca698d20d59c1577a | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 86d93eaefe1b4e5c852ea4b1d3106d34 | Type=String
9.4.11. Visual Artworks ID=6875af9f1e8445318288987f5061eba3
(In this section enter all your visual artworks)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Artwork Title
Enter the artwork title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 594c211eab7e462e870134888e46eb0f | Type=String
Publication Date
Enter the publication year | a0b90c026338432b8980782409c8d0e4 | Type=Year Month
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 5139346bb54342f793b036fa6247c77a | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this visual artwork
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 3176e4d770f6498abe3dba922b1b655f | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 090c941eeffc4558ac1f82979508041a | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 7c1790cb71bb45e9a4a47f0d0efd9101 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 1fdf18cc0bf94bc781b3d894882d9955 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=cc0c924c554a4335888c175e083e316d
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 5ed247dc67bc46abbdd8799cedb0d0d3 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | fdf58fcfd78c4a8cbc8f50b969374245 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 1833003276d449edbb08564cddb4e62d | Type=String
9.4.12. Sound Design ID=29637b11f1004e7a98e6e6e158d9b6b7
(In this section enter all your sound designs)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Show Title
Enter the show title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 6a1e5552903b459da0706a7e1ee5d0a0 | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the writer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 6b8df314aa13448cb2f01e7f470d962e | Type=String
Enter the producer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | a1d19b3d633c4f7e80a0501148af1990 | Type=String
Enter the venue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | abb4d6442552402c88717ba75643d586 | Type=String
Opening Date
Enter the opening date | 30d8f03127ad43808bc2bbf3f2892003 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 69bff3a843a3400499da4d4c92082118 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this sound design
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | fdd754094cd94799a50c6589d2b6aa95 | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | dd726e20d057474bb67164dc050c0223 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 3deab332fb7e4d6496088c605f817ac1 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 409037c76adc473d9b2c1b2ef96410e7 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=5f4408a7e67c45b7a7ae2f860689ea81
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | f1be39c20e584124b843190e0d1c0b9c | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | d8acdc2a7def4b3f8fc1647bab735a79 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | ffa264f351e2435fa4511397aa5bcdb9 | Type=String
9.4.13. Set Design ID=a4ff2e97d382464aada82facc7edaa86
(In this section enter all your set designs)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Show Title
Enter the show title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | bf44e2c8792c434bae31049c5edb459a | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the writer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 758e8199c02e4bebb96419f5b81dd016 | Type=String
Enter the producer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 17b9fa6517054b43a35add3410200eb4 | Type=String
Enter the venue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 407065e2ed1547bd9f5e3bf15b45ab9a | Type=String
Opening Date
Enter the opening date | ba66c81a247a4358bb7eba92e5d4101b | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | f4f9163c28b9446280112397fe7c5c77 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this set design
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 701b06e43606443282b9b8fc6b7f5daf | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 1d25e0bb37df40e2990d7b193ebe0b51 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 60f203c65dcc474b8fed1162a96c4af1 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | f78f90f994b046018aa79340027046ea | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=c4294a2219e94995aff9c050a87fdfd0
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 02f53591ecae43109ed557e869f95720 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | c1795c61ca95451f88d651599b05cff1 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 7f015b5f902e4657a9d252494e09bf1b | Type=String
9.4.14. Light Design ID=412a0475fc0647e0bc2e06e027ca7441
(In this section enter all your light designs)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Show Title
Enter the show title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 4e7bcdff3eb84b688b27d6f9182471c8 | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the writer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 383f3808f7314c8f965a48da4b933b07 | Type=String
Enter the producer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 1efa1282b7ed4337a27ed96e6089e63a | Type=String
Enter the venue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 7e220320b200470b8d342b7a7edc37e5 | Type=String
Opening Date
Enter the opening date | 0182e41b943d45ed8dd7a5d36feb0af5 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 58200ed4fe7f435db562077584b2cb0a | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this light design
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 940d3f20ae3546e5b2ec511c40c91afb | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 30e21106f8864898a82c70097caf60bb | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 26033c67ce8f42f0b9998227056cd34a | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | c40246d9f8934629b52fc1a949020387 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=70683fc461aa4bdaa343c1142c1f0a5a
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | cafad830ed7d4672b666344d8597fb21 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 9c4d2a78453c4dba90cb4c3b85f0b26b | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 96005e905ed1494581118e50721ec9ca | Type=String
9.4.15. Choreography ID=d00b7f0c32d74df59d8711adcaea9e10
(In this section enter all your choreographies)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Show Title
Enter the show title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 9b7d2a0ce53542189d5a1a370e5c7a6e | Type=String
Enter the family and first name of the writer
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | ebdeb4ef6b14411582571a8abbd88964 | Type=String
Enter the company
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | ae845d77dd7c4c0e992ff879f98f4b13 | Type=String
Premiere Date
Enter the premiere date | 40ddcaa69e8c41ea88b4dea877d4f60b | Type=Date
Media Release Date
Enter the media release date | 3622a799c46e45708f7ed508aed6781b | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | a8e6aaff6c00419db8d79a1f8dde4f3c | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this choreography
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 4993374c22524df294cf55896d0366df | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 2dd2010cbb46440192355d15f06f4b99 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 572e3d9c2de4441b915602133a5f8480 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | 829fc5a4b0994185b366a874843ad5d2 | Type=String
Prinicipal Dancers
Enter the family and first name of the principal dancers, separated with a comma (,)
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | de83cb6c08c24af79505a0a408c40574 | Type=String
- Major Performance Dates ID=39f070b558664d8fb1225fdb6c9fe267
(Enter all the major performance dates)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Major Performance Date
Enter the major performance date | ed072810363f40fabadb96bf33e10c4c | Type=Date
- Funding Sources ID=f2c210d424a143608c94922d7bb6be83
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 9f7e1a6389a54163ac87f133fa5bc02b | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 55d29bdb7e694fb382d8b2ba840aab24 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | d8afa04728ea4c7fbbf8c6e034e8e171 | Type=String
9.4.16. Museum Exhibitions ID=589d08d8b00b4e8c99649b6156c8820b
(In this section enter all your museum exhibitions)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Exhibition Title
Enter the exhibition title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 23d4ab15f0f54a6fbb32ea70faec4523 | Type=String
Enter the venue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | e321d90eaa004eecb642503ed2bf05f7 | Type=String
Start Date
Enter the start date | 61d938c7fb9b47398153c261fa9c0bfe | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the end date | bbda587f600a4d7fb102ace44f00193c | Type=Date
Exhibition Catalogue Title
Enter the exhibition catalogue title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 82b9ec189eff4f389bdaeaf304b76c61 | Type=String
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | e0c4761f51414fc4b2721f8a26bf4d3b | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this museum exhibition
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 8d34f523ffd24114bd762c0d3830f6eb | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 6f71614a45bb4c10980599454ba4371f | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | 85d684d5a0d54028a26c15009c903fe5 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | d7a1e7204bc94820b386f7861e21af45 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=8dc2521c8faa4eb594c1d38aac67318a
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 99d7f4846e7945379bfc8688825cdc84 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 71328b787ce047f6b74f97a38283e98b | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | b95b07d54a4145fdafb0d8019599ca4b | Type=String
9.4.17. Performance Art ID=d2e6792762ec482abcb762825a06126e
(In this section enter all your art performances)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Performance Title
Enter the performance title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | a66cc6a3e6d444439166840ee35e511c | Type=String
Enter the venue
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | b448355e7fac45a5a77c697b05d44d00 | Type=String
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 5908da9f1c654f86acd9884db9f4db03 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this art performance
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 2564e9b7c331434c898042332254fc2e | Type=String
Contribution Role
Enter your contribution role
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | ed9b24405dde4905839e79aab549dde8 | Type=String
Number of Contributors
Enter the number of contributors | f03c0816c75447a3b0a3ebdd8a1d5a23 | Type=Integer
Enter the other contributors
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 200 | ae6b05b451814c61b05361131f9ca731 | Type=String
- Performance Date ID=2ebe20cf84dc4182bf8a8a41e1483f0e
(Enter the major performance date)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Performance Dates
Enter all the major performance dates | 7ad9d60915b64824a79dc7d8215a0ba3 | Type=Date
- Funding Sources ID=f299fde724564684ad61effeb3aeb97e
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 0bde9632c21f487b88bf1c734c34d09e | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 552de6cf8a0b4bb1b885da6e486c697e | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 371c73c3377941b2af6c94a98145bb62 | Type=String
9.5. Intellectual Property ID=a3cd72194bce45cd80dc98fa27d5958a
(In this section enter all your intellectual property )
List of constraints:
- Validate Count Maximum 1
9.5.1. Patents ID=cf761d8016384d9da60a5067b1258842
(In this section enter all your patents)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Patent Title
Enter the patent title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | d747ac76228446879eb0ec5323174191 | Type=String
Patent Number
Enter the patent number | 25f8ca979c254752a8b348cc6c98c71f | Type=String
Patent Location
To select a value, press the ‘Find’ button to access a search screen. Enter search criteria to narrow the search result by selecting values from the drop down lists and/or typing the name or part of the name in the last field (not case sensitive). Disabled drop down lists are enabled as values are selected in the parent lists. Press the Search button and select the right entry using the blue button to the left. All information related to the selected entry will be populated. A maximum of 200 entries are displayed in any search result. If your search result is greater than 200, please refine your search criteria. | 7c49d851491143dfa2c0c74c9e892e9e | Type=Reference Country-Subdivision |
Patent Status
Select the patent status | 895c5895ccf8456985133a068715a4bf | Type=LOV Patent Status |
Filing Date
Enter the filing date | 4d04c328e5dc4c268711d297a5cf1257 | Type=Date
Date Issued
Enter the date the patent was issued | fdef226e8d2343a7b3ce2a2b47d55e5a | Type=Date
Date of End Term
Enter the end of term of the patent | b77229dbc6584dab9d8a6074c3e8fbdd | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | f27662730ebd426fb4a6b2013a26d83a | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this patent
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | b73b3cee89274a87ba1298a202f0d3b2 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=a475feeba2af49a5ab97eedfc39f7ae4
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 37e34c3fb2a04690a843e44f17eefef4 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 0d3e13efa6164ec096762b401948a74d | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | b07f9d97d7bb46e5bf5e526f5f34132f | Type=String
9.5.2. Licenses ID=69e5797cf25f44f0b9a359281963210d
(In this section enter all your licenses)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
License Title
Enter the license title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 26adbecd96c7442ab3a9aa167fd039c3 | Type=String
License Status
Select the license status | 7539906026e442a2a5b839352091c5e8 | Type=LOV License Status |
Filing Date
Enter the filing date | 553ddef6ab6742279f1010784d22a9a1 | Type=Date
Date Issued
Enter the date the license was issued | 1993121e81eb4b46a1fd0828af170155 | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the end date of the license | 7df6756d5aae4bdaa77b9e099d9a0ca4 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | c67980710c1c4f3282407ebb85b5fc51 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this license
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 41ce395afb9b404e9c373d78e0ad86da | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=e0744749f3d24b809908c646180d3f37
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 2a845410a93c426ea429f81ace6af8d4 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | a92e642f18e2404e855467360b51e502 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 1cd08c3e20d8491fa286c8d677d7109e | Type=String
9.5.3. Disclosures ID=f3c8942b20e44e0582f8a59e2f9c10e3
(In this section enter all your disclosures)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Disclosure Title
Enter the disclosure title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 9d31738cf76343dc84a0d24ea26190fb | Type=String
Disclosure Status
Select the disclosure status | d0d44aa764e941ceb0de902f0d310e9d | Type=LOV Disclosure Status |
Filing Date
Enter the filing date | 75ce395b79c640849957e037fc01b624 | Type=Date
Date Issued
Enter the date the disclosure was issued | 4b5b9e2a93d84bed862a6600dda5bf17 | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the end date of the disclosure | 209e599596af40cd95e37ba6bbe5b9f9 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | c89de80ab40241d3ad5e4d8a148249ca | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this disclosure
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | 6d6d9079e5b549058e26d66954d836b2 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=fe431790ddb441f29a7327646f15aec6
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 3055783737d1496fb1385b054772a9ab | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization' | 6265ca0fef344c8081daad5236f7cf57 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 366efe93755c4ab69e7dd3a3f2160d38 | Type=String
9.5.4. Registered Copyrights ID=10e1005b7d714894a9bf9a11287502f1
(In this section enter all your registered copyrights)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Copyright Title
Enter the copyright title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | 8623fd60e02e4d44a3203be23dd425f4 | Type=String
Copyright Status
Select the copyright status | aa74e2af9de64c9394922b5072cb9d93 | Type=LOV Copyright Status |
Filing Date
Enter the filing date | bfb2d7da47f3460398f854a811ac34bc | Type=Date
Date Issued
Enter the date that the copyright was issued | 5ee61416597e47bd8e8a97d50b5272a8 | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the end date of the copyright | e1f28d1a79bd405183aa4968ff8dd121 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 594def4edd1f4e99a13a44d66c800b59 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this registered copyright
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | cc1cc59ddddb425d940eb4044b178e6b | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=eb547511b64d41db9a6f59bd2b1fb1e4
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 0dda1131a853418a994de6b3f7e69ec2 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 19c5d65c9b2a47f8872f55966144bdd3 | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | d2a0638b078c46ec84095f82dd834097 | Type=String
9.5.5. Trademarks ID=593f20df02a14b44a9dab3b852d64c88
(In this section enter all your trademarks)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Trademark Title
Enter the trademark title
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 250 | fd1a87f183d7403883e98eac7ab4a25c | Type=String
Trademark Status
Select the trademark status | d88eaff82269405ab6c82db8d9cc973e | Type=LOV Trademark Status |
Filing Date
Enter the filing date | 2b426637ed6e4384a6d819bc80660843 | Type=Date
Date Issued
Enter the date that the trademark was issued | 80633df22b5a45b185f02812ad3cd70b | Type=Date
End Date
Enter the end date of the trademark | 8bda82e92fd746579c4ee2c8824e1302 | Type=Date
Description / Contribution Value
Enter a description and the value of this contribution
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 1000 | 04ba65d07dff40f6a8abb3715a9fc328 | Type=Bilingual
Enter the URL that can provide more information on this trademark
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 100 | f2cf714ab0e94fe29691c865c644fb25 | Type=String
- Funding Sources ID=a624eeb3e0134155807fedd8ef230783
(List all the funding sources of this contribution)
Fields Name | ID | Information |
Funding Organization
Select the organization that funded this contribution | 1293627ddcfa4e7b9dcc208904f9d836 | Type=LOV Funding Organization |
Other Funding Organization
If you cannot find the funding organization from the list above, enter it here.
List of constraints:
- Mutually Exclusive with 'Funding Organization'
- Validate Length Max 100 | 7eb497d16e064a85b3ff9ca4dad7d85c | Type=String
Funding Reference Number
Enter the reference number for the funds received.
List of constraints:
- Validate Length Max 20 | 0292674b25004fa99d05abaca1b6fac6 | Type=String